יום רביעי, 26 בנובמבר 2014

Here we go again

The last few week went pretty well and i continued to earn hours and basic training with some fast speed. The feeling was very good and my body felt strong until last friday when I felt my leg hurt...  Surprisingly it was (again) the same injury as I had in 2009 and 2012. The day after on Saturday I ignored it and still did my training in the morning but I felt worse afterwards and the pain got stronger. Unfortunately I understood that this horrible injury is back. The inflamation was a result of the pronation inside of my leg and there was also some blood inside. This injury is called Shinsplit...

I tought that maybe it is some small problem but I felt the pain also when was resting, so I had no other option but to stop running since Sunday.
There is a long way to get my health back, but this time luckily I know that I cant go back to the track before i feel 100% better and no pain. I guess it will be between 14-30 days without running and maybe even more according to my feeling and I have no alternative but to be optimisic.
In the case that i can't run i will still continue my training with relevant excercise to stay in shape, maybe not to improve but to not loose everything. My training will be swimming, running in deep water, Ellipti and bike. It will be very boring to make these trainings in a closed room but shit happens. I am already really waiting to go out and run again as soon as possible, at least I will refule my passion for running and orienteering in this time...

יום שבת, 8 בנובמבר 2014

Back to the base

During the last few weeks the weather in Israel became ideal for trainings, around 15-28 degrees, which made the training pleasurable to run.
At this time of the year there is almost only basic trainings and long runs around the forest near my house, 3km away. The forest is getting greener because of the hard rain last week and the ground is getting softer and i just enjoy it.

The last league competition went well, i did a good run with 2:30 minutes of mistakes which is quite good for me, of course i always look for a perfect race which didnt happen yet..
I felt good during the race physically and i was able to push hard in the flat forest but in the really steep side of the map i was a bit weak with the uphills, maybe i was saving too much power for the rest of the race.
The course was very demanding and had some intersting route choices. The weather was a bit cloudy and rainy and that gave a European feeling in the forest. Some parts of the forest were very stony in areas that were marked as a white forest and were hard to cross. 

Today i took part in the Junior o-championship. I decided to run and check the course before the start window for the childrens.
The course was quite nice and in a very challenging terrain which was very stony and had lots of bushes which were very hard to cross.
I had a good start and only once got into some trouble in a bushy area near the 5th control. On the 16th control i mad a big mistake and didnt manage to find the objects on the map in the terrain, maybe becuase there were much more holes than what was marked and i lost about one minute there.

In the next two weeks will focus on long and easy running, I must earn some hours and build my body for the main events of the season.